Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am the only one..

If you have not seen this video, you GOTTA see it. This is the video in which a DEA Agent shoots himself in the leg while giving a safety talk to a bunch of kids. The really funny part is he just gets done saying how he "..Is the only one professional enough in the room to have a Glock."

What a jack-ass. I love how the kids are begging him to put down the next gun he picks up! Scary part is, that there are Barney Fife screwballs like this on pretty much EVERY department, and the FEDS! Any bets on whether or not he is STILL a DEA Agent?

This would probably be the same kind of Glock that our "Hero" shoot himself with. By the way, it is a Glock 22 (in .40 Caliber Smith and Wesson, hence Glock 40.) This is what a large portion of the LEO's carry here in the US.
More Gun pictures later!
Thanks to Peaches for the link!


Tom said...

Anytime, dude.

TheBitterAmerican said...

No offense to Glock owners, but this is reason #1 why I'll never own or carry a Glock.