Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When it rains..

You know the old saying, "When it rains, it pours"?

Well, I got a phone call today.

I was offered an interview for a part-time position with the Fire Dept I volunteer for.

I am in shock.

What should I study? What should I wear? I am nervous already, and the interview isn't until the first week of Dec! I would love this! Full time with the State and Part time with the Fire Dept! It would be the same schedule I am working now, it's just that I would be getting paid for my time! This rocks!

Even if it doesn't work out, at least they remembered me, and are willing to give me a shot.. Right? Oh well.. Work was good, Puppy is teething, boy loves school, wife is wonderful, Life is great!

Monday, November 28, 2005


So my IV Technician cert SHOULD be in the mail this week. I received a call from the Dept. of Health saying part of my application was missing, then, they found it. 2 weeks since I sent that stuff in.. If I get my cert in the next few weeks, it could be a world record!