Saturday, April 09, 2005


I have been a firefighter for a bit now, and one question has continually plagued me. I have asked other Firefighters, Captains, even the Chiefs, nobody knows the answer. So, I will pose it to all of you, and the person who can tell me the CORRECT answer, wins. (What you win, I don't know, but you win!)

Are you ready? Here we go..

Inside this symbol are the tools a firefighter uses:
Center: A Fire Helmet
At 12 O'Clock: A Ladder
At 1 O'Clock: A Pike Pole
2 O'Clock: The Bull Horn the Chiefs use to use at fire scene
4 O'Clock is a Smooth Bore Nozzle

WHAT IN THE NAME OF SWEET CHOCOLATE CHRIST IS AT 11 O'CLOCK POSITION?? It looks like a shuffle board deal, or some short of magic wand! My Captain first asked me this question over a year ago, and I have since made it my personal mission to find out! I even asked the MSA Rep about it, he had NO CLUE!

Please leave your answers in the comments section!

1 comment:

FbL said...

If memory serves, this is a hold over from way back when, and is a guidon was used to coordinate the attacks of firefighters on a fire. I THINK it dates back to the 1700s, but some sources say that it dates back even further, like, to the days of the Roman Empire (which actually had regimented fire brigades.)
I'm betting that it is some form of signal device.