Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New series..

So, I have decided to create a new weekly, (or as I see fit) series for the ole blog. It will be:
"The Weekly Todd"
For those of you who are Todd's, and don't get the joke, repeat after me... (It only works if you say it out loud..)
"I'm Sofa King We Todd Did"
Yes, yes you are..
To commemorate this momentous occasion, I even have the perfect picture..

Yes, it is an actual road sign.

For our first Todd, I give you the spineless shitbag who used his daughter as a human shield, may he forever burn in hell.

LA Times article on the shooting..

Enjoy the rest of your day..
I have to go to the hospital for my ER rotation... Joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Retard is not a nice word!