Saturday, March 05, 2005

Rather be Lucky..

I have NEVER won anything. If I go to an event, and they have a raffle, I buy a ticket just to donate the money. It has, up til last night, never failed.

So, last night was the Fire Departments Annual Banquet. We eat, drink, and make merry, and leave our tiny hamlet without Emergency Medical and Fire Services. (Not really, we have coverage.)
At this Banquet, there is a VERY large table, covered with prizes for the raffle. As I said before, I never win, so I didn't even go look at the table. You can imagine my surprise when my name was the 3rd drawn!
When I got to the table, there was no decision to be made. I knew what I wanted as soon as I saw it.

The Orange County Choppers Fire bike. My selection may seem silly, but to those who have lost brothers-in-arms, they understand this. The guys who went up into the towers that cool September day, they KNEW they were going into harms way, yet they did it anyway. OCC made this bike as a tribute to them. I watched the making on it the first time it was aired on Discovery Channel. I cried. I lost 343 brothers that day. This bike has a special place in my heart. AND I WON IT! How cool is that!

Ya, I know, easily amused. What can I say.

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