Sunday, November 28, 2004

Rossi Still Wins.

So, They have finished the re-count. Rossi is still the winner. However, Demoncraps have already said they will continue to recount the ballots they have added in county's they won in until they force a statewide hand re-count. At which time, Rossi will still win. Washington may not have a Governor until January.

Oh... Yes... What can I say. The Demoncraps are the embodiment of Poor Sportsmanship. Get over it losers! You lost, have the self respect to concede already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easy to be a poor sportsman (woman) when we are screwed out of a good president...twice! Why concede when the vote is so close? If you were on the other side, all of the chevron/haliburtons would be belly aching for a recount (or they would just pay off the Gov of the state....Jeb).