Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Forget Mardi Gras!

Dude, this ain't Fat Tuesday, IT'S ELECTION TUESDAY!
Well folks, it's finally here. And although I could continue to bore you with more of the same political garbage that we have been forced to choke down for the last 12 months, I will refrain. Instead, I will take this moment to simple ask that everybody who has followed the issues, and is knowledgeable, go vote. Whether you are right or wrong, left or right, in or out, up or down, please please please go vote. If you didn't bother to pay attention, don't vote. Don't go in there just to say you did. Please make an informed, intelligent decision.

On that note, this is the last election post you will see. I will blog more on the new or newly re-elected President tomorrow!

* Remember folks, no matter the outcome, he who gets elected is the President! We don't have to like his policies or him, but we will respect the Office, and the position he holds!

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