Thursday, April 21, 2005

Cops are the BEST!

Some of you are going to accuse me of bashing on cops, just because I am a firefighter, and you would be wrong. My father was a Deputy Sheriff before he went back to school. One of my best friends in the world is a law enforcement officer. I work regularly with the Sheriff's Office on SAR missions. However, one thing most LEO's have in common is their belief that they, and they alone should have firearms, because they are soooo highly trained. OK, then explain this.
..his pistol fell from his waistband. When Clancy fumbled for the falling firearm, it went off -- twice.
What gives? To cheap to buy a holster??
I am not even going to continue.. It's just too easy.

1 comment:

Tom said...

The first thing that sprang to mind was "good ole boy", but I'm going to susupend judgement until I hear more.