Thursday, October 21, 2004

Well Allow Me to Retort!

YAH, I have FANS! Ok, so I only have one fan.... and one person who hates me. Wait, does that mean they cancel each other out and I am all alone again? Who cares, people are actually reading my blog! People. Read. ME!

I would verbally bash the asshat who left the fowl remarks in my comments page, however, before I could, my wife, the Beautiful Baby Chicken, did it for me. (Thanks sweety, may I have what's left of my manhood back....PLEASE??)

Question for they day..... Are people really so freaking CLUELESS as to believe John "Flip Flop" Kerry, (henceforth to be known as the morally bankrupt, lying, piece of shit. What, that's a little long. How about we just call him Fuckwit.) Are they really that clueless as to believe him when he blames President Bush (henceforth to be known as W,) for the shortage of flu vacinces? Yes folks, 'W' went around a single handedly tainted each of the contaminated batches of the life saving serum. He did this to give 'Fuckwit' more ammo to use against him. He is quoted as saying that this problem is "..this is another example of Bush's incompetence: first the war in Iraq, now flu shots at home." Even the usual liberal media toilet fodder (read AP, Washington Post, NY Times,) has questioned 'Fuckwit's' communist statements regarding 'W's" role in this SNAFU. They have quoted knowledgable people. The AP wire interviewed Dr. Julie Gerberding:

"I'm sorry that this is becoming a political issue," said Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "This is a health issue."

Meanwhile, our brave hero soldiers on, ignoring the accusations of the man who would be President.

*Quotes are from:AP Article from Comcast


Rescue Mike said...
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Rescue Mike said...

Scott, That was an intelligent, well thought out response. You are completely wrong, however. As both a Search and Rescue Volunteer AND Volunteer Firefighter, I have seen firsthand the destructive power of firearms, only ONCE though and it was self- inflicted. I have seen on a much more frequent basis, the destructive power of base ball bats, golf clubs, bricks, ropes or electrical cords (gruesome,) knives, and many times, an automobile. The victims in all these cases had one thing in common - They were all unarmed. I am not saying that, had they been properly educated, trained, and armed, that their fate would have been different. I am saying that it would have evened the odds quite a bit. Each of these people were, "..endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." LIFE. Read it again, LIFE! They were denied that right. As far as myself, I pray daily that I will never be called to use my gun, but, should the need arise, I will not have someone trample my rights. I will not be a victim!

As far as your claim that my countrymen and I don't deserve the freedom we enjoy, I say "piss off!" WE EARNED THIS FREEDOM. I serve my community every week, putting my life on the line for people I don't know, and will probably never see again. I have SAVED lives! I do this not for money, but for pride. Pride in my community, and PRIDE IN MY COUNTRY! My family has served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and are proud of that fact. But don't EVER accuse us of not deserving our freedoms, we earned every damn one!

As a rebutal, I would say that it is YOU who do not deserve even the limited freedoms your government allows you. Instead, you should be thanking me. Me and ever other American you meet. Thanking us that you are not speaking German right NOW! It was the very Americans you now despise which saved your country from certain occupation. Imagine, life in a concentration camp, wondering if today they are sending you to the gas chambers. Kind of a hard pill to swallow, isn't it? That's right, you owe every American a BIG Thanks, and should probably buy them a pint, or two. Knowing what we know now, how ungrateful you would be, we should have just left France occupied, and let the Germans flatten London. How short your memories are....

Rescue Mike

Baby Chicken said...

Children, children, how the daggers are flying!It appears that there are several points of discontinuity in the discussions. Scott appears to believe that our passion for guns speaks to our violent nature. As if the two are related? I will readily admit that the violence that flashes on our news stations (and undoubtably every news station in the world) is deplorable. It speaks of deep anger and frustration in some lives. But the violence is a symptom (as is drug abuse, alcoholism, and miriad other social issues), not the problem. Although there is no easy answer as to the source of the real problem, more love for our fellow man and stronger families would heal much.

For us, hunting and target shooting are family events, time that we spend together talking and helping each other. Being exposed to guns, my son has a healthy respect for the power that they weild. He understands firsthand why we value life so much, and quickly it can end. Our collection of guns makes us no different than the person who collects swords or knives, or the person who enjoys archery.

As far as "gun-toting" mothers, I am one. Although the evil in this country is not a constant threat to my daily life, I can never tell what may happen tomorrow. There are sickos who steal children every day, break into homes and rape women, and rob stores and banks (killing many innocent people). This doesn't even take into account the threats of terrorism that we hear on the news (the latest is that we will be killed while waiting in line to vote in a few days).

I simply consider my pistol, and the many hours of instruction and training, to be insurance. The ONLY other options availible are to go about life with the "it can't happen to me" attitude or to live life with a constant fear. I don't find either to be an acceptable solution.

As for the discussion of the who has the right to inhabit any particular peice of the earth, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!? If you want to get down to it, no tribe of people have any more right than than the next tribe. "I was there first" is no more valid an arguement than any other. We mourn the attrocities of previous generations, and we acknowlege that the land we live on stained with blood. Every inch of the earth has seen evil.

But what would you have us do? Slink into the caves, vacated our homes? Instead we are trying to make the best of what we can. We are working hard to restore relationships with those in our own country who have been wronged. Our borders are open as a haven to those presecuted in their homelands. The blood of many races runs in our veins, thousands of cultures have found a place within our borders to thrive.

We believe that evil should be stamped out. We belive that people should be allowed to worship, be educated , earn a living, and raise their families without fear of death regardless of their race, religion, or political beliefs.

Pride in our country is not blind. Willingness to defend her is not a fault. The courage to do what we believe is right will NOT be our downfall.

Our downfall, if it comes, will be in conceding to the pressure to abandon our beliefs.