Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Uh....Sure, Whatever.

So, after I firmly established myself in the world O' Blog, my sister Leaky Boobs, in a fit of jealousy, has erected her own Blog. Then, as if not to be out done, my wife, the Beautiful Baby Chicken, has her own Blog. As you can clearly see, I am a role model for all who know me!

As you may, or may not know, I fancy myself as something of a marksman. I figured that, since a blog is nothing without entertaining pictures, I should now post one. Behold........ ME! Last year I paid an actual firearms academy to take me and mold me into a lethal weapon. That failed, so I asked that they make me at least safe around my wife and kid. I finished the class, and not only passed, but managed to pass the shooting test for my
Handgun Masters Certificate.

Me, after being awarded my Handgun Master Certification.

So, with the addition of my first picture, I have hearby decreed, that this blog is OFFICIALLY open for business, and invite one and all to visit, comment, and otherwise make merry!

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